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Elder Terry Jackson knew the Lord had a work for him to do so, he began praying and fasting together with his family and some of his close friends for the Lord to bless him with their very own church for them all to fellowship together. In 2018, the Lord laid it on Elder Terry's daughter’s heart to get his immediate family together and start a building fund to save money to start his very own church. Every other Sunday he, his wife, Sister Paulette Jackson, his sons, daughters, and grandkids all came together to pray and put money into the building fund. As months passed Elder Jackson, his family, and close friends went to different cities searching for a place to worship. Eventually, they found a place which they believed would be a great place to worship, but Elder Terry said he would not move until the Lord told him to. Then one Thursday night, January 24, 2019, to be exact, the Lord spoke to Elder Terry and told him to GO! Without hesitation, he packed everything up and left. He went down to Wyndham Garden Hotel, 201 Water Country Pkwy in Williamsburg, Virginia, and signed a 1-year contract to rent their ballroom every Sunday to have service. The amount the hotel required for the church to rent the room was the exact amount Elder Terry and his family had put away into the building fund.


On January 27, 2019, the very next Sunday, was the first service under Elder Terry's leadership. John 15:4-5 states, Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. Keeping the organization name that his father, the late Bishop James C. Jackson, had established, he named the new church True Vine Redeemed Apostolic Church of Christ. On February 17, 2019, Elder Terry was ordained as Pastor of True Vine Redeemed Apostolic Church of Christ by Elder Caroll Spriggs. Knowing that one service throughout the week was not enough for the saints, the Lord blessed where the church could begin Wednesday Night Service on March 6, 2019. With the church being in Williamsburg, it was a significant distance for most to travel. On March 23, 2019 the Lord saw the need and blessed True Vine to purchase their first church van to help transport the saints back and forth to church. The next day Elder Terry gave all the saints the Right-Hand Fellowship to become official members of True Vine Redeemed Apostolic Church of Christ.


Carrying on the legacy, Elder Terry began True Vine’s first 50 Days of Prayer, which he held in the garage of his parents, the late Bishop James and Mother Sophie Jackson, at 919 Briarfield Rd in Newport News, Va. Elder Terry often said, “if anyone tries to baptize you in any other name other than the name of Jesus, stop them.” On May 5, 2019, he baptized the first soul under True Vine in the swimming pool of Wyndham Garden Hotel. In the book of Acts, the scripture tells us …that the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved (Acts  2:47). On Sunday, June 16, 2019, the Lord filled Elder Terry’s son with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost, being the first member saved under his leadership. Later, the Lord laid it on Elder Jackson’s heart to start Bible Study, which began on August 29, 2019, in the same garage in which he had held the 50 Days of Prayer.


After a year of great blessings, the Lord allowed Elder Jackson and True Vine to move closer to home. In December of 2019, the Lord blessed True Vine to sign a contract at 1999 W. Pembroke Ave Hampton, Va and they held their first service at the new location on December 31, 2019, which was New Year Service. While at the new location, the Covid pandemic began. Unwilling to close the doors of the church, Elder Terry and his congregation began having service in the parking lot. Elder Terry spoke a word of protection from the pandemic, over the congregation one night during the 50 days of prayer in which he said, “The lord said he will protect you.” Although there was some scrutiny for him keeping the church doors open during the pandemic, in doing so the Lord blessed and more souls were saved. Elder Terry continued to baptize souls in the name of Jesus by taking all those who wanted to be baptized down to King-Lincoln Park in Newport News to be baptized in the river. True Vine held their first Noon-day Prayer Service on July 1, 2020. On November 25, 2020, the Lord put it on Elder Terry’s heart to change the church name from True Vine Redeemed Apostolic Church of Christ to True Vine Apostolic Church of Christ, and without hesitation he did just that.


On December 5, 2020, Elder Jackson was ordained Bishop Terry Jackson of True Vine Apostolic Church of Christ by Bishop Linwood Sawyer, Sr. from the time the church began, Bishop Terry Jackson would tell his congregation “We have to move fast!” On November 3, 2021, Bishop Jackson, along with his wife, First Lady Sister Paulette Jackson and the entire congregation of True Vine Apostolic Church of Christ cut the ribbon to their very own church home at 925 Old Buckroe Rd in Hampton, with the first service held on December 31, 2021, another New Year Service. Throughout these years, the Lord has proven himself and has been doing great things for True Vine and we give honor and praise to him!


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